About Jennifer, LPC Traumna Therapist in Connecticut
Using Accelerated Resolution Therapy to Help Heal Trauma & Anxiety in CT
Looking for Therapy in CT
Who knew when you started googling find a therapist near me or therapist CT that you would’ve find so many therapists in Connecticut. And yet, sometimes it can feel like they are all saying the same thing. How do you find someone who truly meets your needs and understands what YOU are all about?
My name is Jennifer and I became a therapist because I deeply love helping people heal. I am the most passionate about Accelerated Resolution Therapy because it allows clients to achieve tangible results in only ONE SESSION. I love nothing more, but to see my clients walk out of my office looking so much happier an hour after they walked in. There is nothing like it!
I have a Master’s Degree in Psychology and specialized and advanced certification and trainings in Accelerated Resolution Therapy. My specialties include anxiety, trauma, PTSD, OCD, grief/loss postpartum anxiety and depression.
Contact me at (860) 863-4630 for your free 15-minute phone consultation for therapy in CT.
Frequently Asked Questions About Therapy, in CT
No. ART is not hypnosis. Although you may feel relaxed, you will be in complete control the entire time and fully alert throughout the session.
Anyone who is motivated for change, can move their eyes back and forth, and can hold a thought. A person who is ready to achieve rapid results in as little as 1-5 sessions.