Frequently Asked Questions About Therapy, CT

Frequently Asked Questions About Counseling in CT

Below I’ve answered some of the most common questions I receive about counseling with me. Don’t see your question answered? Reach out to me here for a free consult.

  • Groton, CT just outside of Mystic. Conveniently located off of I-95 whether you are traveling from CT or RI.

  • You will be guided through an Accelerated Resolution Therapy intake where we will get crystal clear on your goals and what you would like to see improve. From there, you will determine what negative images and symptoms you want to erase and replace during our first Accelerated Resolution Therapy session.

  • Many people resolve their symptoms after just 1-2 Accelerated Resolution Therapy sessions. Most clients are astonished at the changes made and want to continue using ART to treat other past traumas, stressful life events, symptoms or habits. All ART sessions require

    1st: ART intake

    2nd: ART session

    3rd: Process session. (If all symptoms are resolved after the Process session and you are feeling back to yourself, treatment will be completed)

    4th: Outcomes Session typically scheduled 1 month following your last ART session.

  • ART Intake: $200 (55 min.)

    ART Session $200 (60 min.)

    ART Process Session $100 (30 min.)

    ART Outcomes Session $175 (45 min.)

  • Accelerated Resolution Therapy sessions are not currently covered by insurance plans. However, HSA & FSA accounts and cards can be used for payment. HSA & FSA cards are generally set up with your employer and are pre-taxed dollars used for medical expenses.

  • All therapy sessions in CT including the ART Intake, ART Process session, and ART Outcomes session can all done virtually using a HIPPA compliant portal.

  • I believe that trauma and difficult symptoms are best treated in the comfort of my office where I am able to hold space and be there as a support. Research has also shown that the eye movements used in ART are most effective when done in person. Also, due to unexpected connection and or technical difficulties, it is not best practice to treat trauma in a setting that could be disrupted.

  • I work with clients that are motivated to improve their current symptoms and heal from traumatic or stressful life events. I am also a gender affirming and LGBTQ+ ally and have proudly supported this community for the duration of my career.

  • After your first ART session you can expect to feel back to how you felt before the traumatic event or stessful life event. Clients describe their sessions immediately following their first 60-minute ART session as “light, hopeful, renewed, awed, less triggered and happy." Clients report at their ART outcomes sessions, 1 month following their last ART session that they no longer feel triggered the way they used to. Clients describe being able to remeber that the situation happened but to see it differently and feel completely differently about it. As one client said best, “it’s like I know it happened but it doesn’t bother me anymore. I am don’t cry or feel anxious when I talk about it anymore.” After ART you can expect to feel inspired and motivated to work on other areas of your life you would like to see improve.


Get started with therapy, CT today.